AI Video Tools


Help educators develop reflective skills to adapt to change



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Swivl is a company that provides reflection tools to more than 75,000 schools worldwide. These tools are designed to help educators adapt to the rapid changes in the education sector brought about by policy revisions, technological advances, a changing job market, and ongoing research to identify new best practices.

Main features

Swivl’s solutions focus on four key areas:

Build motivation and interpersonal relationships among teachers, help them adapt.

Strengthening self-regulation contributes to mindfulness motivation for teachers and students.

Pulse is an interactive board + Swivl Robot mashup that encourages interpersonal and mindful motivation in group work and the classroom.

The Reflection Kit , a fun and social way to reflect and grow together.

In addition, Swivl also provides:

User Stories : Real-life examples of how schools and school districts are using Swivl solutions.

Webinar Series : Thought Leaders and innovative thinkers support educators in adapting to AI.

Swivl Blog : The central place for all things Swivl – from product updates to helpful tips.

Use case

Swivl’s reflective tools are designed to help educators adapt to the rapidly changing needs of the education sector. They are used to promote interpersonal relationships, improve self-regulation and encourage mindfulness motivation in teachers and students.

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